Health Center Home Page
We would like to inform you of the health office requirements and assist with any health care needs your student may have during their educational years as a Liner. Our office is on the second floor and easily accessed from the Community Entrance.
ALL MEDICAL PAPERWORK THAT YOU NEED IS AVAILABLE ON THIS WEBSITE AND CAN BE PRINTED AT YOUR HOME. Please read through this website and the Health Office Requirements listed on the sidebar for complete details.
If you have any questions or concerns, our PHS nurses are Mrs. Patty Martino and Mrs. Ashley Murray. Their contact information are within the sidebar!
STUDENTS: We encourage you to join the Health Center Google Classroom using the link below. (Please keep in mind that parents cannot join the google classroom. Only emails from the domain can do this.) Join the Health Center Google Classroom
All letters from physicians should be brought to the health office initially. Trainers, coaches, and teachers will be notified accordingly by the health office. Please be sure to submit a return to activities letter when your child’s condition resolves so it does not hinder future eligibility for athletics, physical education, field trips and/or activities.
State law does not permit students to carry prescription or over the counter medication while at school except in the case of potentially life-threatening illness (Inhalers for Asthma and Auto-Injector Epinephrine for severe allergic reactions, and Insulin/Glucagon/Supplies for Diabetes). If it is necessary for a student to receive medication during the school day, the school nurse will administer it. State law requires a written prescription signed by your health care provider including diagnosis, medication dosage, route and time of administration, and written consent of the parent/ guardian. The medication is to be delivered to the health office by the parents in the original pharmacy container. Forms are available in the health office and on this site. Medications other than inhalers, Epinephrine and diabetic supplies must be delivered to the health office and picked up from the health office by parents.
Epinephrine, inhaler, diabetic and seizure orders must be submitted for your child to participate in athletics, field trips and other school sponsored activities.
** All medications not picked up by the last day of school will be discarded. **
If you are calling your child out of school, please call Elise Tersigni at 908-454-3400 ext. 7016. If no answer, please leave a message with your students name, grade and reason for absence.
If you need to pick up your child from school during school hours:
Please be aware that attendance is done by class period. Should your child leave school at any time they will be marked absent for all periods missed. This includes those students picked up from the health office. For example, if your student leaves after lunch, they will be marked absent for all periods after that. There is no acceptable time allotment to count as a full day of attendance.
Send a note with your student. Have them hand it into Security at the Community entrance to receive a pass to leave class.
Parents can always come to security, with proper ID and sign the student out at any time prior to 1:45 PM
Parents can call the grade level Principle for permission to have students who drive excused.