Tournament of Plays
The 2020-21 annual edition of Phillipsburg High School's Tournament of Plays (or TOP) has gone virtual! Begun in 1964, this is the 57th year of TOP. TOP is a competition between four short plays directed by eight senior members of the Drama Club and TOP alumni. Each pair of directors selected a play, held virtual auditions, cast members from all four grades, and ran all their own virtual rehearsals. Just as in years past, they will be judged by a panel of judges. Even though the pandemic has changed the look of TOP for this year, we are proud to uphold this long-standing Phillipsburg tradition.
For anyone who would like to buy access to view this year's tournament of plays, please click on the link below. Access is $8.00 for individuals and $15.00 for families. The show will be available On Demand for 24 hours on Sunday, January 31, 2021, starting at midnight and ending at 11:59 pm. You may watch the show as many times as you would like during that 24-hour window.
Please read the instructions below for purchasing your stream and for watching the show!
The PHS Drama Club thanks you for your patronage!
STEP 1: Locate the production you want to purchase
Click to be taken directly to the event show page.
STEP 2: Click “play” or the image to the right of the screen to purchase a stream.
STEP 3: Log in /Create an Account
If you haven’t done so already, you will be prompted to either log in or create an account.
If you already have a Broadway On Demand account, enter your email and password in the given fields.
If you don’t already have a Broadway On Demand account, select “Click here to Sign Up” and enter an email and password.
STEP 4: Pay for Your Stream
Once you’ve logged in or created your account, you will be automatically taken to the payment page.
Here you can pay for the stream with a credit card or PayPal.
If you’ve been given a Promo code (sometimes referred to as Access Code), enter the code into the “Add Promo Code” field and click apply.
Confirm your purchase to complete the transaction.
Congratulations! You’ve completed your purchase and now are ready for the show!
STEP 1: Navigate to the Production Show Page
Click to be taken directly to the event show page. (Hint: this is the same link you clicked to purchase the event)
If you haven’t done so already, you will be prompted to log in to your account. When the event becomes available, click “play” and the production will begin playing.
Enjoy the show!
If you experience any difficulties trying to purchase or access the production, please email [email protected].